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The company was founded in 1977 and has thus more than 30 years of experience in manufacturing, distributing and studying cathodic protection.
Originally, ZINETI only dealt in the naval field but soon it opened its way in the industrial field and also started to manufacture anodes used for engines and leisure boats.
In the nautical field, they have the widest range of products both on the domestic as on the European market. The company counts with more than 600 references for all types of engines - in-board, off-board and intra-board, in 3 types of alloy: Zinc, Aluminium & Magnesium.
The raw materials used to make their anodes are of the purest available on the market and are always analyzed on entry to the factory. All our anodes are manufactured under the strictest standards.
ZINETI has the ISO 9001 certification ensuring the highest quality possible in all its products.
IMNASA is a distributor of Zineti anodes in Spain

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