SHACKLE LONG 'D' 8mm S.S.316

SHACKLE LONG 'D'  8mm S.S.316

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Ref. 20250032

SHACKLE LONG 'D' 8mm S.S.316

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Product description

8 mm long straight shackle in stainless steel AISI 316 is the ideal companion. With its elongated design, this shackle offers greater versatility in connections that require additional space, providing strong and reliable fastening even in the most extreme sea conditions. Made of stainless steel AISI 316, known for its superior corrosion resistance. This shackle is designed to withstand saltwater and constant exposure to the marine climate. Its robust structure ensures that each link is reliable, while its polished finish not only adds durability but also gives a touch of elegance to any installation.

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