SHACKLE LONG 'D' 10mm S.S.316

SHACKLE LONG 'D' 10mm S.S.316

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Ref. 20250033

SHACKLE LONG 'D' 10mm S.S.316

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Product description

The 10 mm long straight shackle AISI 316 is made of stainless steel AISI 316, known for its exceptional corrosion resistance, this shackle is ideal for withstanding the wear of saltwater, sun, and other weather factors. This material ensures high durability, maintaining its performance even after intensive use. The 10 mm long straight design is perfect for situations requiring greater reach and strength. Thanks to its robust construction, this shackle supports heavy loads without deforming, making it ideal for rigging, anchors, or connections that need firm and reliable holding.

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