SHACKLE BOW 10mm S.S.316

SHACKLE BOW 10mm S.S.316

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Ref. 20250014

SHACKLE BOW 10mm S.S.316

VAT included


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Product description

The AISI 316 10 mm Lyre Shackle is a perfect example of what happens when strength meets design, so we can say that it is the ideal solution for those who demand the best in their nautical connections. Made of AISI 316 stainless steel, this shackle offers superior corrosion resistance, even under the most challenging conditions of the ocean. Whether in salt spray, saltwater, or constant climate changes, you can rely on its long-term durability. With its characteristic lyre design, this shackle not only stands out for its functionality but also for its refined aesthetic, giving a touch of distinction to any vessel.

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