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The Meyer-Sansboeuf Rope Making Company is located in Guebwiller, in northeastern France. An area steeped in the history of textile traditions is today a center of modern textile skills.

The culture and experience of the company have managed to combine an ancestral experience with cutting-edge technologies. The development of the latest racing yachts characterized by an increase in performance and efficiency, as well as a significant decrease in weight requires the creation of new ropes. The architecture and design of new ships has naturally led us to develop products that combine competitiveness and aesthetics.

As a leader in its field, Meyer-Sansboeuf Rope Making Company offers a full range of products ranging from mass production to bespoke manufacturing. Its R&D department guarantees state-of-the-art technology, masters the manufacturing process and has perfect knowledge in the processing and preparation of fibers.

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Showing 48 results of 166