KING PLAS. PANEL BLACK 1215x760x6,3mm

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Ref. 90700344
KING PLAS. PANEL BLACK 1215x760x6,3mm
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Bulky product.
Check prices.- Belgium €40.00
- Croatia €40.00
- France €40.00
- Netherlands €40.00
- Portugal €35.00
- Spain €35.00
Product description
Boards king plastic to work like wood. 100% virgin polymer sheets. Marine-grade cellular material. Excellent surface finish for use in high visibility applications. King Plastic sheets are up to 30% lighter and are manufactured with a textured surface and different colors for a perfect combination. Polymers are resistant to salt water, UV rays, chemicals, sunlight and corrosion, which makes them perfect for marine applications. OUR INNOVATION, YOUR IMATINATION.
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