PANEL S.B.AS DIA. WHITE 1219x676x12,7mm

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Ref. 90700410
PANEL S.B.AS DIA. WHITE 1219x676x12,7mm
Vyberte jiný model
Objemný produkt.
Zkontrolovat ceny.- Belgie 40,00 €
- Chorvatsko 40,00 €
- Francie 40,00 €
- Holandsko 40,00 €
- Portugalsko 35,00 €
- Španělsko 35,00 €
Popis produktu
Non-slip high density polyethylene sheet marine grade in white. Surface type diamond finish. It helps prevent slips and promotes drainage. Environmentally established to withstand the toughest external conditions. It does not rust or rot. Ideal for boats with heavy traffic of people, platforms, steps of stairs, shower floors, etc. it dos not need puncture or finishing, easy to work with comon carpentry tools.
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